Jewellery technologies and machinery at T.Gold

From January 20th to 24th 2023, in conjunction with Vicenzaoro January, T.Gold returns, the most important event in the world dedicated to cutting-edge technology at the service of the goldsmith supply chain.
With an even richer offer of technological solutions, T.Gold brings together the most complete panorama of innovations for goldsmith production and jewellery processing, confirming the strategic value of manufacturing and high specialization in the competition of companies in the sector on the markets global.
T.Gold opens the trade show calendar of sector technologies with an enhanced offer through a greater exhibition area that enriches the selection of the top players in the manufacturing of precious stones with an even wider range of technologies represented. The strong presence of Made in Italy excellence and the best international proposals in fact represents the best opportunity for jewellery companies to choose their supply chain among the most established players and adopt the most innovative technological solutions to increase their competitiveness.
During the 5 days of the show, the visit itineraries will allow buyers to discover all the new products, organized into six macro-categories: casting, mechanical processing, prototyping and digital production, finishing, refining and recovery, tool-benches and materials.
Among the major players of the segment, Italian companies stand out, to whom the market recognizes the leadership on a technological know-how that has consolidated over time. Thanks to the partnership with AFEMO (Association of Manufacturers, Exporters and Goldsmith Machinery) and the collaboration with ICE - Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies, leading realities appreciated all over the world such as Legor Group Spa, SISMA Spa, Italimpianti, B.T.T. Plants of the LEM Industries Group. In the mix of offers, alongside the best of Made in Italy, some of the most renowned international realities stand out, especially from Germany.
T.Gold offers an international platform for integrating technological solutions into its processes capable of boosting the entire jewellery production process. A tool at the service of the jewellery supply chain, from designers to manufacturing, from brands to all the sector operators, to make the choice of the most suitable supply chain, a real business accelerator for the growth of companies in the sector looking to quality products, sustainable processes and innovative processes.